30-Year-Old Mom Turns Her Back for a Second and Finds Baby on the Floor After Hearing a Thud

( Image: Kennedy News and Media)
An Ohio mom has shared the terrifying story of how she had to perform life-saving CPR on her nine-month-old daughter, Callie, after a tragic fall that fractured her skull. Ashley Conley, from Batavia, Ohio, had placed Callie in a baby seat on the kitchen counter while preparing lunch.
In the brief moment she turned away, Callie fell off the counter, landing on the hardwood floor. “I was so scared because I’d heard so many stories about children ingesting magnets,” Ashley recalled. “When I was sweeping my son’s room, I noticed underneath his bed were some little magnets on a half-eaten cookie.”
As soon as Ashley saw her daughter lying unconscious, she rushed to pick her up. But, within moments, Callie began having a seizure, with her eyes rolling back and frothing at the mouth. In a desperate bid to save her daughter, Ashley performed CPR. “I was petrified. I prayed a lot that my son wouldn’t have lasting effects from this, reported The Mirror US.
There was potential that they would have to remove part of his bowel due to the damage,” she recalled. Thankfully, paramedics arrived within two minutes, and the EMTs took over, getting Callie breathing again. At Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, doctors discovered that Callie had fractured her skull. “It was awful. When she started the seizure, I had never seen one before.
Her eyes rolled back and she was convulsing and starting to foam out of her mouth,” Ashley said, recounting the horror she felt. The scan showed that while Callie had no brain bleed, the fracture above her left ear would heal on its own.
“No brain damage. It was a fracture, and that’s the best-case scenario,” said Ashley, relieved but still shaken by the incident. Four months later, Callie experienced further seizures, and doctors are still investigating the cause. Despite this, Ashley says Callie has remained on track developmentally. “She’s great. She’s fully developmentally fine. She’s talking really well.
She’s on track for everything,” she said, sharing that the seizures did not seem to affect her growth or development. Ashley now hopes to raise awareness about the dangers of placing baby seats on high surfaces, a practice she wants to discourage other parents from following.