Fitness Via American Football

In the start of the game when a team gets first down it is important to get 10 yards from that down to get another down. According to fitness experts this is the best part of the game that can challenge your sports fitness.
There are certain positions in the game
- Quarter Back (Sport fitness is important here)
- Running Back (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Wide Receiver (It needs Sport fitness )
- Center (It needs Sport fitness )
- Guard(It needs Sport fitness )
- Tackle (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Linebacker (It needs Sport fitness )
- Defensive Lineman (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Corner Back (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Free Safety (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Outside Linebacker (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Kicker (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
- Punter (Sport fitness is mandatory here)
It is important to know where to stand which player. Fitness professionals say that running back is the position in the game that is challenge for the sports fitness of the player.
Point System:-
Every player in the game should know point system for e.g. when a players while holding a ball enter into the end zone they get 6 point. Fitness expert says this area is of player because only a player that is physically fit can score in this area because it requires sports fitness.
Knowing of Penalties:-
Every player should know about what can lead towards a penalty In a game for e.g.:- a false start is one penalty in a game.
Learn Rules:-
Learn all the rules and regulations of the game before one day. It is very important.
Speed and Sharpness is Mandatory:-
Every player should focus on tips and tricks of playing the game. Fitness expert says mental sport fitness can play a vital here if a player is physically fit.
Workout properly, means regular fitness exercises, gym, sport fitness ask fitness expert or fitness professionals for regular fitness exercise. It is mandatory to play a game and to win.