Business Horoscope April 24 to April 30

From Sunday, April 24 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, April 30 2011 – 11:59pm
There are benefits and progress in some improvement project this Sunday. If you are working to improve or beautify your home, you will find progress easy. You are extremely hardworking this Monday and ambitious on the professional level. You may tend to politely ignore co-workers now in order to meet a quota or goal that you previously had in mind. Job-related subjects take precedence this Tuesday morning. New projects turn out to be more successful than you had previously thought. There is opportunity for success or financial growth that has not been available before this Wednesday. You should however, avoid material status symbols at this time. Attempt to find a higher purpose in your career efforts. There will be several planetary changes occurring this Thursday that will encourage your attitude to change with regard to work and the mental anxieties surrounding your profession. You are in top mental gear this Friday. Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to make clear decisions, see the road ahead and move forward. Things seem to fall into place and progress is easy. Although your concentration may not be up to par this Saturday, you manage to make this a fairly successful day.
Facts need research and confirmation to avoid misinterpretation this Sunday. You could be the editor of a newspaper or find yourself proofing a new script, book or play today. There are good practical thoughts and ideas. Communication with a supervisor or boss this Monday can prove beneficial and will clear the air of any misunderstandings. Watch what you say to a new person this Tuesday–you will be protecting your best interests in your future job security. Speculating or participating in sports may be scheduled this afternoon. There are many conversations around you this Wednesday. There may be an occasion to listen to the comments of your co-workers around a conference table. Take notes and just listen to the views of others for now; later you can research your particular interests. Through the end of the summer, you may find that you won’t have to work quite as hard to move forward in your professional life as you have in the past. This Thursday, you may find yourself attending trade shows, serving on committees when you are not in the office. This Saturday would be a good time to write and communicate with real originality. Inventions and breakthroughs are possible. This is a happy time.
Beating the odds through cleverness this Sunday is appealing and this may lead to an interest in all kinds of financial speculation. You are full of confidence this Monday and prepared to put your education or experience to use. You can be most persuasive with others and you seem to bounce your positive attitude back to others all day. You are in a mood of self-enjoyment this Tuesday morning and may express yourself with much confidence. You may see value in or feel love for an older person or someone in authority. You appreciate and discover the beauty in your own life and in those around you. Communication is the drive this Wednesday. This Thursday can be a good time for your efforts to make a positive difference. You will have the opportunity to work without interruption this afternoon. You can bring into fulfillment uncompleted tasks at this time. A business atmosphere could be tense this Friday although you will find sections of time when you know that real progress is in the works. You may find that your thoughts will be concentrated. Know your competition this Saturday and you will stay ahead of the game. A career in one of the entertainment industries is a possibility.
Keeping up with the times and the growth of those around you may call for change this Sunday. Expectations will not be the same when children grow older, visiting relatives, new relationships, etc. Taking time to talk about changes that may be needed will help make a smoother transaction. Trust in your own abilities this Monday and you will be extremely pleased at the results. Perseverance may be difficult if you have always received help. A clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods is available to you this Tuesday. This is a very good time to communicate your goals. There are keys and techniques into solving problems this Wednesday. While others do not seem to want to cooperate today, you may be looking for ways to compromise. Joint projects will run smoothly this Thursday. Working with others in a business or family matter will go well. Be composed and self-assured this Friday–but never too contrite. You will have contact today with friends and family. You have a great hidden potential that can make you even more lovable and able to combat the most difficult challenges. You may have new and promising ideas on Saturday. It is the day to start new ventures–or adventures.
Co-operation, support and service will bring you to a new level of life experience this Sunday. Be aware of what your motivations are and express yourself with no expectations of a return on your time or feelings. Feeling good about yourself does wonder for your attitude this Monday. People that have displayed little or no support for you in the past will help you now. Partnerships are accented this Tuesday . . . much can be accomplished. There is a need to experience a change of ideas this Wednesday. Things are in the process of changing at work and your attitude is a good one; sit back and see what happens. You tend to enjoy evolving. It is time to consider what you want to accomplish this Thursday. Look around you today and see if this is where you want to be five years from now. This Friday is one of your better days for love and money. Attention to your job may bring special rewards today as well. You will know that someone is really paying attention to your hard work before the day is over. This Saturday, ideas and thoughts may be easy for you to understand but difficult to explain. Listening and assimilating the facts is in your best interest at this time. This is a period of transformation for you. Be prepared for good things to happen.
You are naturally the center of attention this Sunday. It seems you have the best ideas and successful methods of progress in your personal projects. Many distractions on Monday may cause any number of frustrations. Keep your sense of humor and ask the next person that interrupts your work to take a number–you are the new catalog department. You could be very popular this Tuesday, especially with superiors or in relation to your work. Your dealings with money will be successful as well. If your attitude is positive, this is what you will project and if your attitude is negative you will project this as well. A financial situation deserves your attention this Wednesday afternoon. Get an agreement in writing for your own protection. Thursday is a delightfully romantic and social time. Your support system and those who give you nourishment becomes more secure. Enjoy a fun activity with friends this evening. Let your wit shine this Friday through those difficult conversations. Practice your psychic abilities too–this will help you rise above the negative. You can encourage someone to smile with your thoughts. A desire to be noticed for your hard work will not go unrewarded this Saturday.
This is a Sunday for family and a renewal of relationships between family and friends. Phone calls, letters and all sorts of communication are possible. Your work mentally and physically becomes more refined emotionally this Monday. Getting your message across and learning how and when to say no successfully is an important issue for you. Success is easy to find this Tuesday. Others will notice your efficiency. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. In the afternoon new projects come to your attention. There is a small package for you to open in the evening. This Wednesday is an excellent time to increase your association with others who share your ideals or goals. Thursday is a better time to sell than to buy. This applies to material things, but extends to social and romantic relationships as well. Now is the time you will make the effort to improve the channels of understanding. You know what needs changing to make work run at a smooth pace this Friday and you can help by mapping out a plan. Social affairs, group meetings, neighborhood gatherings are all possibilities after your Saturday workday is completed. You are at your most elegant when it comes to social situations.
Your family needs attention this Sunday. You are able to cut through to the basics and get at what is most important at this time. Make long-term plans this Monday to find ways that you can build your income and financial holdings through careful, conservative methods and investments. Work progresses fairly well this Tuesday; obtaining and exchanging information takes on more importance. To complete important work, you may need certain information from others–you can successfully accomplish this with your smooth professional manner. Your attitude is positive, making your professional life confident. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings this Wednesday afternoon. Taking time to enjoy this Thursday may have you smiling and taking on a more relaxed and positive attitude for the workday ahead. There is an opportunity to make some small changes in your routine. You are encouraged to make a difference in your public as well as your private life this Friday. You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situation. You are very motivated to improve. Thoughts and ideas that come to you this Saturday may be just what are needed to help in an office dispute.
A luncheon or health spa may be the place where a group of you and your friends meet, chat and spend time together this Sunday. You will enjoy an intriguing exchange of ideas with these friends. You could be somewhat susceptible to misunderstandings at work this Monday, particularly with members of the opposite sex. If you have a natural tendency toward gullibility, you must be most observant and prudent at this time. Stay in touch with your own sense of direction this Tuesday. Many things come to your attention this morning and staying focused may become very difficult. Steer away from romantic arguments this Wednesday. Circumstances may conspire to limit and hinder your sense of independence and originality–this will pass. You may spend a great deal of time communicating with others at this time. A regular workday is appreciated this Thursday. No highs or lows to ruffle any feathers; so to speak. You have more of a desire this Friday to succeed not only financially but also professionally. It would be wise to review all aspects of a project before deciding the direction in which you will progress. There could be a special pet that makes you laugh. Relax. There is continued success and attention in the workplace this Saturday.
You may see benefits this Sunday from your loyalty to a partner, colleague or organization. Keep your priorities intact and do not become involved in other people’s gossip. If you can end that negative thinking of yours this Monday, you will find this a great time to be with others and to work together. Refuse to join up with the “worry monster.” Your job and your friend’s job are secure. An appointment or a meeting signifies the need to be professionally well dressed this Tuesday. You will have respect from all you meet. Considering you set the pace for others to follow, you will do well to keep current with trends and styles. Solid, secure and comfortable situations can be expected in most avenues of your life. This Wednesday is a great time to be with others, in work or play. Others may require you presence for a particular job and you are able to cope with the extra work. A particular project or money opportunity may be placed on hold this Thursday morning. This is good–it gives you time to think through your options. You will find yourself willing to check and recheck projects for completion this Friday. You are more practical these days–less likely to waste time. This Saturday is a good time to write with real originality.
You may find yourself guiding a young person in your religious group this Sunday. This does not necessarily mean you are guiding them in religious matters, however. This Monday you are in charge of your life and right now is the time to work for what you want. There could be a demanding individual in your day. When you talk with this person, use your intelligence to maneuver yourself away from any difficulties. This Tuesday, you are to be commended for your dedication and perseverance and can find answers or solve problems without the stress most would feel. You crave organization and you want to get things accomplished. Think seriously about your work this Wednesday morning and what you have learned and how far you can grow within the company. If you want to stay, do not hesitate to present your ideas. You may find this Thursday to be a quiet day–everything seems to run smoothly. Working with the flow of energies now should be easy to accomplish. There is mental busywork this Friday. You are extremely creative and can come up with some great ideas for business management this Saturday. There are ways to multiply your financial holdings this weekend.
Dealings within partnerships are positive this Sunday. Working with a team of people, in order to gain fast results, will be successful. You may find challenges regarding family or political matters this Monday. Clear some space this Tuesday so that you can work more easily. Hard work and trying to make contact with higher-ups seem to take priority. Problem is–this activity of trying to contact certain people may be a bit difficult. Your financial situation fares a bit better this Wednesday but do not hesitate to work out a plan that will help you to invest or save for the future. Continue to avoid high risk or frivolous spending. There could be some differences of opinion this Thursday morning. This is the fun part of your morning and may only concern an article from the newspaper. You may find yourself unrealistic, in a dreamy mood and at odds with your more practical duties this Friday. Forced concentration may be part of your efforts until the noon break. Luckily, you will gain more satisfaction from your work in the afternoon. A community organization would benefit having you on their team this Saturday. A new direction is in the picture for your personal life–perhaps it is travel, education, technical tool or romance.