Business Horoscope August 01 to August 06

From Monday, August 1 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, August 6 2011 – 11:59pm
Your instinctive orientation this Monday is toward getting down to basics. You will quickly eliminate the non-essentials and realize many accomplishments in the workplace. If necessary, this Tuesday is the time to make amends. Making peace with the past and meditating on the present becomes important to you. Forget twiddling your thumbs this Wednesday. This is a day for hard work and duty. There will be plenty of opportunities to show off your skills. Work improvements are all around you this Thursday. Although your outer personality may look rough, you are more sensitive than others would suspect. This is a time that will help you to catch your breath and gain a new focus on your progress–at work or on the home front. It is good that you have an open mind as you may find yourself agreeing with ideas you never thought you would accept this Friday. You have a high rate of change when it comes to what you believe in–your ideals and dreams. Your community spirit may come into play this Saturday. There is a drive to work with others on projects that concern humanitarian interest. Study, research and investigations of all kinds may come into play today as you are always searching out some answer or another.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Positive self-esteem is a necessity this Monday. Pace yourself and do not be afraid to say no when you feel you are reaching your limits. This is also a rewarding day in that you could come to an understanding with a difficult co-worker. Crawl out of your shell and speak up for yourself on Tuesday. You are in a good position to put in for that raise or job change, or to otherwise make yourself known. Positive progress in a personal relationship this Wednesday, gives you a kind of social confidence. Look deeper into all your relationships today–you will find most positive connections. Instead of standing alone–you learn to blend and grow. You may be unable to get the support you require this Thursday. Some of your supply lines have been diminished or stopped and someone may challenge you. This Friday is the time you move forward and make your plans and ideas known. New partnerships are entered into; old ones are renewed or else they are left behind. You may find yourself in a volunteer service or teaching others through some community classes this Saturday. Perhaps you would be interested in reading for the blind. At home, you are interested in building permanent relationships or providing a home for a family.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
Your instincts at this time move toward getting as much accomplished as possible this Monday. This could mean progress in the workplace as well as progress in accomplishing your personal goals. It is amazing how you erase the stumbling blocks this Tuesday. Perhaps it is through your attitude that you can overcome so many obstacles. You set an example for others as you work to remove the emotional parts of a situation and deal with the business negotiations. There is an emotional seriousness to being focused this Wednesday–you work quickly. Gathering and exchanging information is part of the problem-solving process you will be experiencing. You are most persuasive with others and may find higher-ups calling on you in order to gain new customers. This Thursday could be an action-filled day. On Friday morning, it may be difficult to get your message across to someone. Do not try to push your views, wait awhile–keep conversations technical and you will find the reception becoming clear in time. Thank goodness for a day off this Saturday–emotions seem to be clear and in balance. Your home environment, friends and surroundings are accented today and receive attention. Music is tricky this evening.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
You or your company may be involved in lectures or conventions this Monday. Connections with people on a grand scale–for example, at a distance or en masse–play a bigger part in your life now. You like busy days and this one fits the bill. There is an opportunity to negotiate successfully with the law and authorities this Tuesday. Others sense your strength and ability to instruct. This afternoon is full of opportunities to guide others and help the less fortunate. Travel and other contacts with faraway people and places will play a bigger role for you this Wednesday. Such things bring love and gain in one way or another. This Thursday is a good time to gather and organize your affairs or rearrange your living situation–as well as your financial outlook. Yours is a reflective mind, a mirror for others. Mental discipline and patience are keynoted. Thinking things through, accounting for all the details and making careful measurement keep your mind active and involved; especially this Friday. You could discover or teach new techniques toward better health. This Saturday evening, neighbors or brothers and sisters will likely bring all kinds of good experiences your way.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
Learning about people is an exciting adventure, particularly this Monday. Most people sense an interest in their welfare when they meet you. You would do well in the professional realm as a guide for employee relations or in some other similar realm. Others will show their appreciation this Tuesday for your hard work. This is the time when you can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support from those around you. Study and research could enter into your work this Wednesday–perhaps you feel that statistics will help back your actions–they will. Real estate and/or home and family planning take on greater importance for you soon. You find a great deal of interest in education, travel and religion this Thursday. There could be some talk of career advancement–your accomplishments are many. Your emotions, as well as the feelings of those around you, may be very clear this Friday. Yes, believe it or not–everything is working in your favor. Relationships; whether partnerships, personal relationships or the social scene in general are very important during this time. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear this Saturday but if you can look beyond the glitch, you will get through the problem quickly.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
There are plenty of interruptions this Monday but you don’t let it stop you from completing your tasks. There seems to be an invisible time limit as to how quickly you need to accomplish a particular task. If you took your time, you would be able to relax a bit more and have less digestive problems. Being in business for yourself or learning about the ways in which you can be self-sufficient is an advantage for you this Tuesday. Pessimism is not in your vocabulary and if there is a job to do, you are there to get it done! Wednesday is a good time at work; however, concentration and complacency are not friends; careful. Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be quite productive. This Thursday is a great time to be with others and to work as a team. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Enjoy learning more about a new hobby. This Friday could be a period when you take your work more seriously than before. You actually see some real opportunities for advancement that may have seemed unlikely before now. This evening is full of fun communications with lots of laughter and NO work–enjoy. It’s a sleep late, catch up on a few chores and a goof-off sort of Saturday.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
Organizing files and completing unfinished business is a must this Monday morning. The morning is also a great time to be with others and to work together on a team project. You have a lot of ideas that are important for group discussions today. You may have the opportunity to gain a new customer this Tuesday–or at least satisfy the demands of the public. Wednesday is a problem-solving day. At times you may feel that all your co-workers bring you their work and are not able to stand on their own merits. There is one thing that you can do . . . put in for a raise and become editor of reports. All of us enjoy being respected but you will gain respect quickly in a new surrounding this Thursday. You develop a talent for understanding people and may be happy in a teaching or management sort of job. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you this Friday. It is ideas that count for you now. The new and the unusual are the things that appeal to you. Getting to better know a distant cousin or half-sister or even a brother may bring a great deal of joy your way this Saturday. This is a great time to be with others in an atmosphere of work or play.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
If you are not taking the lead, you will be adding to the positive progress of a group gathering this Monday. You know just what people want and can size up a situation quickly. Restrictions do not keep you from being productive this Tuesday. Perhaps this is not the time to try to solve any serious problems, however. Although this is short-term, it could be hard to think. Wednesday is an easy but busy day that runs along quite smoothly. There is a greater appreciation for things of value. Be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much just now–investments are important but can be overdone. This Thursday, many people find you a smooth talker with a quick wit and ready tongue. Your creativity is magnified. It is important this Friday that you move forward with your work and get things accomplished–perhaps with a list to guide you. This could take the ability to become detached with regard to outward situations and strongly focused with regard to your work. An inner vision coupled with the ability to see the big picture often finds you working as a go-between with others, particularly this Saturday. Marriage and other close relationships give rise to great expectations now.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
This Monday is a time for new accomplishments, during which insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination are in order. Tuesday is a nice day and should just flow along quickly. You could feel real Support and harmony at this time for circumstances and those around you. Your work or career is in real harmony with the rest of your life now. Your ambition is intensified this Wednesday and you will find rewards for your hard work. You will gain support from others and circumstances may dictate your taking action. If you are not making the money you think you should, this Thursday is time to think about changing jobs. This is one of your best times to make just such a move, even if it is within a large company. Higher-ups may not realize your strengths. It may be time this Friday to take notes on how you have improved in the workplace and how much you can offer to a higher position or post. Catching up on your reading and enjoying the neighbors and perhaps your relatives may play a role in this–young people figure more prominently in your life this Saturday. This is a good time to take in a good movie. Sharpening your artistic skills may be discovered to help in developing your psychic insights.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
Emotional considerations may block or oppose how you proceed with a project or plan this Monday. Listen carefully to what higher-ups are saying. Tonight is for romance. Relax. This Tuesday is one of your easier days. Your drive and emotions are set on success. Push on now and you accomplish much–keep the pace steady. You enjoy working hard and being organized and you exercise skill and discipline in any activity that affects your career and reputation. This is a perfect combination for an excellent manager and this Wednesday may be the best time to keep good notes on your accomplishments for future presentation. Someone will put you to work coordinating events this Thursday. New ideas and insights may be slow to come this Friday. An older person may actually help you to create a new slant on an old idea. This has been a good workweek–showing much accomplishment. This Saturday, everything seems to point to your taking the initiative when it comes to some hot issue; you will find a great deal of support for your ideas or decisions. Writing, music and cooking can be
part of what you do that pulls in some monetary rewards–a little part-time work or just plain fun.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
Budget issues can receive progress through the help of your loved one this Monday evening. Positive results are bound to happen! Your loved ones are more than willing to help you–you endear loved ones to you with your soothing words of encouragement. Your sense of honesty and truth is something that other people sense in you and support. You might find yourself in a position of trust this Tuesday–handling money, vouchers, receipts, expensive items, etc. There is a tendency to be too strict with yourself as your ambition seems intensified this Wednesday. There is a yearning for the stimulation of new ideas. Thursday could bring the unexpected or find you in a very unusual mood. It may be that you feel like getting away from the routine for a while. New insights or breakthroughs are possible with authorities or someone older. Mental discipline and patience are keynoted as you enter into a new cycle this Friday. Thinking things through, accounting for all the details and making careful measurements are the similar experiences that keep your mind active and involved. New ways to organize and discipline yourself is a possibility this Saturday. Here you have an opportunity to gain some insight.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
You will find yourself taking charge, organizing and perhaps managing an important business transaction this Monday. This puts you in a boss type position and you love being the boss. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices this Tuesday. You could be in the limelight, especially with superiors or in relation to your work. Obstacles that have previously been confounding should find easy explanations, so don’t be too worried of repeat failures. You are in a win-win situation this Wednesday. You could be most persuasive with others on Thursday. As the saying goes, you could sell an icebox to an Eskimo. The situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular thoughts. You are optimistic. Mental discipline and patience are important in the work you are involved with this Friday. Thinking things through, accounting for all the details and making careful measurement keep your mind active and involved. Your imagination and fancied ideals may mislead you to the point of motivating you in a wrong direction this Saturday. You are a sensitive person who can depend on feelings and intuition to help you make good decisions. You possess good common sense.