Business Horoscope July 1 to July 9

From Friday, July 1 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, July 9 2011 – 11:59pm
You have a great deal of confidence in your work this Friday and could take charge in the guidance of others so that they may learn your methods. Most of your Saturday consists of helping others. Perhaps you are giving a lecture, or performing as a guide for others. An informative dialogue with an older person may take place. Interactions with friends this Sunday play an important part of your morning. Relationships with close friends are quite good. This is a day you wisely take to slow the usually busy tempo–visit, catch up on your loved ones activities and plan a few of your own. Ambitious schemes and the pursuit of success and status take on high priority this Monday. This is a great time to be at work or play with others. In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best this Tuesday. You could be a detective or teacher but whatever answers you are searching for at this time, you will find. This Wednesday is a great time to make any plans that will require decisive action to accomplish. Joint planning sessions move along at a good pace and any differences of opinion can be worked out. Your mind could be quite clear and natural this Thursday. Ideas are streaming easily to you. You can talk, talk, talk. You could be on a planning committee or in advertising that calls for your kind of creativity. This Friday is a time when you can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open and the support you need is there. Be wise and create in yourself, a back-seat type of attitude this Saturday.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Your bright wit makes you always ready for a conversation this Friday. You love to get your ideas across to others and communication in any form is where you are happiest. Today you will jump right in with your ideas, expressing your thoughts, etc. Although you have a hard time parting with your collections, you will be determined in becoming more organized this Saturday. You aim to have a place for everything. A healing could occur this Sunday through favorable conversations with those you love. Religious issues may become a topic of conversation. You value the essential unity behind all religions. You may have insights or breakthroughs with regard to your working situation this Monday. Your drive to invent and find new ways to use things is both well coordinated and intense. Communicating and helping out in a group meeting is beneficial this afternoon. Your mind is full of practical ideas this Tuesday. You understand that thoughts must be positive and the negative is a signal that someone is going nowhere . . . you can help. You are a stimulating influence this Wednesday. Ideas, words, books, etc., are pursued with great gusto. You are very motivated, with a strong drive to do and accomplish. Tonight you can retire early to the sounds of music. You could be a computer wizard or a technical adviser–whatever the case, others are glad you make yourself available this Thursday. Friday is not the clearest of times. This may be a good time to enjoy a
little tea at your desk and tend to the necessities. Diet, exercise and work somehow mean more this Saturday: you want to feel good about yourself and the way you do things.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
You can be a real moving force in the lives of others this Friday. Your desire to improve, or to bring some issue to the attention of the public, is important and you should make every effort to follow through on your ideas. Personal matters you have put off these last few weeks can now be completed this Saturday. You could be working to organize people at a fun gathering this Sunday. This could mean a church social or a work picnic or any number of many other fun get-together events with friends, family or co-workers. You head straight for whatever challenges your sense of identity in order to improve and grow this Monday. Tonight, you and your friends enjoy discussing subjects such as reincarnation and psychic experiences. You could be in the limelight this Tuesday, especially with superiors or in relation to your work. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it entails more than usual. You are driven to manage and control projects this Wednesday. You have an urge to be practical. Your career motivation is constant and relentless. This evening, group or community work seems to hold your attention. Take a step back this Thursday and reassess what motivates you. You are insightful when it comes to practical matters–job, career and such. You are independent and you may have an unconventional approach to work, especially regarding how you organize or manage your work. The exchange of ideas and information is likely to be a special challenge this Friday. Allow yourself time to think through decisions and ask questions when necessary–perhaps by confirming instructions. This Saturday a camping trip or some other similar enjoyable outing is in order.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
Job stress can take its toll on you this Friday–make it a point to take your breaks and consume healthy foods. Learn tools of conversation this Saturday that will help you deal with difficult situations–not necessarily difficult people. Try to be clear about your choices as it will save you from difficult situations and present to you a freedom you never thought you could have. You may find yourself more than eager to acquire things on Sunday. Your current appreciation for almost everything you see may lead you to indulge too much–careful. Perhaps you have found a garage sale, flea market or country fair to visit today. You are in the mood to work this Monday and complete whatever task has been left undone. Your penetrating mind gets through the unessential every time. Persistence, regeneration and dynamic energy are key ingredients in your success. There is news this Tuesday of a part-time job, if you want it. This Wednesday is a good time to practice any new techniques of problem solving rather than reverting to the past. Also, it is an excellent time to learn how to take better care of your own development. You have plenty of good practical job-related thoughts and ideas this Thursday. You have the ability to communicate with superiors or describe what you see. Pre-work meetings or communicating with co-workers before your workday begins this Friday may help you to gain a focus. Fresh insight comes to you through a friendly co-worker. Taking care of business at home is a major theme this Saturday. You crave organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. Your aim for today is to have a place for everything.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
A friend in the workplace may seek your counsel this Friday. You are able to cut through the red tape and get at what is beneath and behind. You could be most persuasive with others this Saturday and the day just seems to present a natural time for self-expression, lending itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. You may find your loved ones are particularly helpful this Sunday. Others will express an appreciation of your ability to act and get things done. Someone is sympathetic with your position and helps you to feel understood. Monday is the time to build on not only what you have accomplished in the business world but also in your relationships. Laughter and fun communications come easily this afternoon. You will be wise to make plans toward securing your professional and financial life this Tuesday–instead of spending time in worry. Write out a plan that will include these goals. You must have done some real thinking and planning over the last few days because this Wednesday is one of emotional beginnings, a fresh start or perhaps the establishment of new habit patterns. A New Attitude! You do not like making speeches, but when elected as a scheduled speaker for this Thursday, you plan each word perfectly. You are a very forceful speaker and communicate with great enthusiasm. You may decide that this Friday is the time to make a few changes in your life. Status and security goals need rethinking. Your career is a focus for this, but your home and family situation are also involved. Finances–purchases, investments and credit in particular–could stand some clear thinking now. You could enjoy visiting a bookstore or library this Saturday afternoon.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You will tend to stay in the background this Friday, but you are able to manipulate and bring out cooperation in others almost every time. Being more in touch with your roots is a keynote of the cycle that now takes hold in your life this Saturday. At some levels, this means a greater focus on family life–parents, children, relatives, the whole domestic scene. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights this Sunday. This is a wonderful time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. This Monday you have no trouble putting feelings into the way you express your words; this carries a lot of meaning. A choice in entertaining, teaching, speaking or singing is a way in which you will become involved in order to communicate hope, realities and possibilities. On Tuesday there is much enthusiasm for communicating particular ideas to others. You have high ideals and an ability to enchant others with your words and images this Wednesday. Everything points to your taking a particular project over this Thursday. You feel that you have support from those around you and your ideas will add to the smoothness of the execution of the project. A sense of humor this evening helps you to relax. Keep to your usual routines this Friday; don’t take on anything too difficult, if possible, and avoid tackling new methods or projects. Now is the time to clear away the old, complete unfinished business, make phone calls and follow up on confirmations. You draw emotional sustenance and a sense of security from ideals, friends and social involvement this Saturday. Change and inner growth tend to come through your relationships.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
This Friday is a great time to surround yourself with other people–in work or in your personal life. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy success and the successful. The world just seems to click this Saturday morning. You may enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different this Sunday. You are at home where there is a lot of communication, investigation and exploration. When it comes to taking care of business this Monday you are relentless in getting down to the nitty-gritty. Others sense this about you. When asked for your services, perhaps a favor or some volunteer situation, you see the best in a situation–making it hard to say no or cut yourself the best deal. On Tuesday there will be a workplace situation that calls for you to think through your answer before obligating time and energy that you do not have. You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through this Wednesday. You eagerly work through problems that come to your attention. Career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. Pay attention to your timing this Thursday so that you are able to make complete sentences and complete whatever tasks that are placed before you. A co-worker is tough to figure on Friday. It’s important to keep focused on your own work for now. Later you might offer a listening ear, but make sure you are away from the workplace. You may sense and feel things that others do not. There is an opportunity this Saturday to show off your skills in the department of decorating or repairing and updating some out-of-date room or forgotten talent.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
You enjoy working with your mind–your sharp perceptions make finding new solutions easy this Friday. You bring an unexpected twist or insight to whatever you set your mind to accomplish. You are able to teach or help others be more successful in their life choices. Teaching or taking a class in some form of creative art is fun and keeps your attention most of this Saturday. In-depth discussions with friends or family this Sunday find you at your mental best. There is a vast amount of contemplation over where the next twenty years are taking you. Careful–you may tend to take paths at right angles to your real ambitions and self-interest this Monday. This could result in trouble with authorities or older people. You could find this Tuesday that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Everything may be pouring in at once and it’s all good news. You may appear to be very easy going this Wednesday. Everything seems to be working together for you. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves successful. The urge for a more glitzy social life may find you out and about this Thursday evening. This is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends and young people and for having a good time. Mass communications can be financially rewarding in some way–think about marketing, promotion or casting or perhaps story or music writing. Decisive action is called for this Friday. A change of residence could be in order so as to take advantage of new career opportunities. New or alternate life styles and ways to make a living may interest you this Saturday.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
You could be in the public eye this Friday–with co-workers as well as family members. You have all the drive and energy you could want and it should be easy to channel. In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best this Saturday morning. Everyone seems to have their responsibilities and errands to run but there is time later today to bring people together in an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie. There are discussions this Sunday about vacations and favorite places to spend a vacation. You may later decide to fine-tune a few of these ideas into a fixed plan for a future vacation. Gut-level is the way you think, speak and perceive in the cycle you have just begun this Monday. You are not interested in the superficial–you want to get right to the root of things. This Tuesday is a period emphasizing an enhanced sense of personal possibility and potential. There is tremendous psychological growth and it will lead to great personal success, if you follow through with it. You are at your mental best this Wednesday and should find yourself making decisions and taking care of business with a great deal of ease. Your sense of responsibility is so well developed that you may end up managing whatever situation you become involved with today. This Thursday evening it will be time to show how well you can create. This may be with music, crafts or techniques, styles or expressions. You have held yourself back for much too long. You may find yourself traveling around town this Friday in order to secure a deal or purchase new equipment. This Saturday is a rewarding day. Whatever may need your attention will be successfully completed.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
An easy calm day this Friday should find everything running in a smooth manner. Ideas and interaction with influential people or older people may be in the forecast. There is talk this Saturday with a sibling about dieting or health care–yours or others. New techniques only bring you back to the healthy meals, less fat solution. You may decide to add two protein breaks during the day to keep your energy up and cut the hunger urges. Real estate may be the biggest subject moving to the topic for this Sunday. You can be as self-confident and assertive as you like on Monday. You will get what you go after. Your insight and vision into what unites people and into the dreams and mystical regions of the mind are profound. You may be working and communicating this Tuesday with others in these matters and with music and the arts. This Wednesday is a time when you can expect a little boost: some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you. When it comes down to taking care of business, you can really shine. This Thursday may be the right time to think about changing or enhancing your career, perhaps something home-based that is creative or teaches others some creative talent. The path or career that you have now may go against your own best interest–it is time to reassess. Enjoy the evening with your lover. Anything connected with publishing, advertising or broadcasting requires re-examination this Friday: a change of plans or perspective gives you the upper hand. This Saturday is a good day, however. Consider getting your chores tended to before you run off to be with friends or to enjoy your hobby–this will also help you to focus.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
You want to add your ideas to an important office meeting this Friday. This is the perfect time for new ideas and taking an unusual approach. There is a chance to understand those around you this Saturday and to have a special time with someone you love. All of this Sunday should go rather smoothly. You are great at bringing out the best qualities of others, discovering hidden talents and planning surprise results. You employ your new and innovative ideas regarding the social scene. Ambitious schemes and the pursuit of success and status take on a high priority this Monday. This brings a focus on the practical, the successful and–whatever it takes to get you ahead in the long run. Everything points to your taking the initiative this Tuesday. Your enchanting manner transports all who meet you beyond the mundane and into the extraordinary regions where you spend a lot of your time. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends this afternoon. Who controls what and how to make sure you get what you want are foremost concerns this Wednesday. A need to prove your abilities can lead to all kinds of challenges. Inspiration comes through some great purpose. This Thursday you will become aware that an important event is near. This is a time during which you can have the experience of taking a greater role in the creation of life itself. Patience is required this Friday. Creating the desire for change is difficult when you are dealing with lifetime habits. Perhaps this energy of changing habits will include something like smoking or some similar indulgence. Broadening your intellectual and spiritual horizons takes on a high priority this Saturday.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
You have an intrinsic love of the law and working things through this Friday–you will not be put off by obstacles that might keep you from the problem-solving process. This Saturday you may have been thinking about a proposal that was offered to you recently. Perhaps a community office or service is something you could add to your special talent. This Sunday could be the right time to bring the attention around to you. Perhaps you will have an opportunity to plan a visit with a distant relative. Your sense of direction may be very keen and you sense that the time is right for a visit. This Monday you spend a lot of time updating yourself in new technology and economic trends. This is a great time to reflect and understand your own situation, just how you feel about your progress with goals at this time. You have a natural appreciation for the past–personal or worldly–all that is traditional. There is an opportunity to lead a club or group organization this Tuesday. This could mean a location away from your place of work. This Wednesday you enjoy working with your mind and enjoy looking for solutions to the worst problems. You like to solve puzzles and dilemmas, yours or others’. Thursday is a great time to be with others and to work together. You enjoy working in a group that knows how to be part of a team and work together. You are very motivated, with a strong drive and urge to do and accomplish. This Friday is a time of decision, when small changes can have big effects later on down the road. Make the right choice and it rebounds to your benefit; the wrong choice teaches. The process of shopping around could save you a great deal of money this Saturday.