Business Horoscope July 10 to July 16

From Sunday, July 10 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, July 16 2011 – 11:59pm
Catching up on personal projects this Sunday, preparing for the workweek, working in a garden or flower bed seems to be the routine for the day. You could be most persuasive with others this Monday. The situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas. You put forth strong views this Tuesday and are influential. Emotional and a good entertainer, you will enjoy doing just that in the evening with friends or family. There is plenty of laughter to go around this night. You can see new ways to make use of a difficult situation on Wednesday. An unconventional approach to working for or with others may require special work requirements. You discover new ways of working with traditional materials this Thursday. Nurturing, sympathy and a yearning to put down roots begins in your life now. Your imagination always reaches beyond differences and manages to solve them. At your best this Friday, you are enchanting, able to point to the unity that binds all things together. You could find yourself mentally acute and in a problem-solving mood this Saturday. There is also a great focus on family life–parents, children, relatives, etc. Today you jump into an activity that demands close attention.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
You may feel left out or passed over this Sunday. Easy does it today–plenty of fresh air and a healthy attitude will see you successfully through. You may find that both your personal growth and your career may depend upon how you can handle the very sensitive psychological material that may be coming up this Monday. Business presentations or lectures may take most of your time and energy this Tuesday. You are willing to do work that others would not go near–quietly bending things to your will. This Wednesday is a good day for practical ideas and planning about your work or vocation. You may receive some recognition or special attention regarding your particular skills and abilities. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. You will help stop someone from being misled or getting too carried away with some plan or idea this Thursday. Any mental pressure will be easy to handle as you have the best attitude and actually enjoy solving problems. You enjoy discipline and you work long and hard at whatever you want to accomplish. You could find yourself lecturing or teaching this Friday. Making money is second nature and you are able to field ideas and bring forth growth and success this Saturday.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
Making a good impression and putting your best foot forward takes on greater importance this Sunday afternoon when you find yourself in a good networking situation. Your abilities and common sense come into play in the working world this Monday. You will know just what to do and can act without haste and emotion. Career growth and recognition have kept you on your toes lately. This Tuesday, you will be glad to know that life in the work world is getting much more tolerable. Overlapping workdays that include conferences, delays, attention to detail, signing contracts, etc., will now begin to decrease. Circumstances this Wednesday can throw you into positions where you must use your mind and deal with communications, service or enclosed hidden interests. You are very tolerant and accepting of differences–there are good insights available on Thursday. Friday is a good workday and may prove to be rather profitable. Working with others is successful and you may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Later you may find a group of friends will gather for a bit of musical fun–perhaps a band or quartet sing-a-long. Saturday is a good day to relax and become involved in some creative project.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
Educational projects require much study and may also involve travel to a library or museum this Sunday. Much conversation over abstract ideas will present themselves this Monday and you are interested–others will listen to your ideas. You like to add your two cents to conversations and otherwise show your breadth of scope–like a coat of many colors. You are creative, original and can present new ideas for others to ponder. Your artistic creativity is apparent this Tuesday. Entertainment and creativity of all sorts may be enjoyed. You may become involved in the writing and creation of scripts, etc. Spiritual ideas and concepts are a way of life here. You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions this Wednesday. You may appear unnecessarily commanding and assertive to some, but to others this may be what is needed in order to make yourself understood. You have a fine mind and a great appetite for detail. You appreciate minute differences and distinctions. A crafty worker with an innate critical sense–you are always full of suggestions, particularly this Thursday. You may meet a new friend through the work environment this Friday. Opportunities come up this Saturday that will allow you to express your outgoing nature.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
You could be most persuasive with others in most any situation this Sunday. The condition is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. This Monday afternoon you could find yourself communicating with young people. You seem to shine when you are with young people and they seem to enjoy listening to what you have to say. Politics just may be something you enjoy full- or part-time and could be a serious consideration this Tuesday. You seem to always be popular with others and–at home in the crowd–you tend to radiate success. This Wednesday is a time for imagination and creativity when it comes to ideas and thinking. You bring a great deal of love to your work. This Thursday is the time to set some short-term goals. As you experience success, you will continue to be triumphant. When you have set and achieved many goals, you will not feel slowed by one or two goals not working. Career moves may depend on your cutting through some of the fluff and really taking care of business. Ridding yourself of excess and what is nonessential, may be a key move this Friday. You may find yourself looking for a little romance this Saturday or at least enjoying some emotional release.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
A round-table discussion may ensue after a family breakfast this Sunday morning. New plans are in the works for several short trips. Your career always seems to get the support you need and this Monday is no exception. Success is indicated in import-export business. You will intuitively know how to attack and solve problems this Tuesday–whether personal or public. Chances are your social skills mean that you are popular with the majority and perform good business negotiations. You may find yourself making a speech this Wednesday. You may want to save time after your speech for questions. You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing this Thursday but there is just no time. One of your big smiles and some sort of a catch-you-later signal will have to suffice. In the late afternoon you may be able to break free from your work. You prefer diplomacy, but could find yourself in the midst of a sticky situation this Friday. Pull back and listen to the opinion of others for a while. You may be able to merge ideas into one successful end result. An elderly person, perhaps in the family, needs your help this Saturday. You are good at doing special things to make life easier for other people.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
You are in a planning mood this Sunday and are very clearheaded and able to view all the alternate paths. Go ahead, make those decisions–you can see the road ahead and will make the right choices. You are ready and willing when it comes to pulling a group together in order to complete a project this Monday. You have an easy way with those in authority and can always manage to talk your way into better working benefits for all. Beating the odds through cleverness is appealing and this may lead to an interest in all kinds of financial speculations on Tuesday. You like radical approaches and this Wednesday you may find you look forward to whatever new breakthrough is next in line. Your sense of honesty and truth is something that others sense in you and support. There is a feeling that anything is possible this Thursday–success is likely. There is optimism, faith and there is a tendency to take chances at the deepest emotional levels. Problems that come to your attention are easily worked through this Friday. Your viewpoint can be heard as well. Business decisions are easy to make. Give yourself more leeway this Saturday. It is possible you could become set in your ways.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
Keep ongoing notes about your future plans so that you can devote your thinking to the present this Sunday. Taking chances in your relationships can bring big rewards in the evening. Sing a happy tune! This Monday is a good day, when your efforts seem to run smoothly. Line up health checkups and focus on a good nutritious meal program this Tuesday. Career growth will come to you by leaps and bounds these next few weeks–whether you are working for the same company, yourself or making a change in jobs. Hectic emotional energy this Wednesday may mean that things around you may be a little unorganized. Your ability to cut through the external and get to the heart of things comes through loud and clear. Difficulties, blocks and all manner of hot spots may be discovered and worked through to a positive result this Thursday morning. A trip or a vacation begins early this Friday evening. Whether this is a weekend trip or the beginning of a long vacation, it is a time when you will have to just be determined to enjoy a little rest and relaxation from your busy professional life. You can demonstrate compassion and charity to the needs of others and are in a good position this Saturday to communicate and render aid.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
Quick answers, great wit and a surplus of insights and solutions are easy to find this Sunday. You might consider a shopping trip with a loved one today. Once out among new styles and prices, you may find your ideas win approval. This Monday is a good day to solve problems and make important decisions. You are able to dispense with some of the unessential this Tuesday and develop what is most basic and true in your environment. There is plenty of time to organize and complete any projects. You may have to sit in judgment over some situation on Wednesday, but you will come across as stable and even gentle–your response to most situations is evenhanded and supportive. A message or invitation in the mail this Thursday evening is hard to ignore. There is a chance to have a special time with someone you love tonight. General good feelings and a sense of support make this a happy time. Video games, computers, communications–in fact, anything in electronics–hold your interest this Friday. You may discover new ways of working with traditional materials. Saturday could bring the unexpected or find you in a very unusual mood. A fun contest today may find you a winner.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
You have insight into your emotions and drive this Sunday and if need be, you can talk about your feelings with great insight. This is a time when you can put your practical insights into words and convey them to others. This Monday is a time for new accomplishments, during which insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination are in order. You are proud of your mind and enjoy using it this Tuesday, solving puzzles–any creative mental outlet will prove worthy of your attention. There is a yearning this Wednesday to broaden horizons and reach for the ultimate, a kind of spiritual wanderlust–that’s the sort of thing that takes center stage in your life. Thursday could be a frustrating time both at home and at work. Ask yourself if you are taking care of yourself in the ways of nutrition, exercise, rest, play and intellectual stimulation. Take time this afternoon to relax and think about the balance in your life. Working with the public can be rewarding this Friday. A radio personality could be as close as the stretch of your arm today. You have a lot of energy and may come across as a bit assertive this Saturday. Much, however, can be accomplished alone as well as with housemates; guests, family or otherwise.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
You understand how to handle authorities and have a natural gift at solving problems. You will be solving the problems this Sunday that may have come up the day before. You have a lot of energy for improving your life situations. You are very motivated. This Monday is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. This Tuesday is all about variety and change. Communication, particularly with superiors or influential people, could prove troublesome this Wednesday. You may not think as they do or may find that your thoughts run opposite to theirs. You will find the answers you need through meditation. You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions this Thursday. Your career or life-path may depend on your talent for responding and making something out of ideas and insights. This Friday is a great time to be with others and to work together. Your keen business sense is never sharper than now. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any sort of activity. This Saturday is a time when you can expect some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you. Everyone wants to go in the same direction.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
General good feelings and a sense of support can make for a lively Sunday afternoon. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. This Monday is a positive workday. You may find yourself helping young people this Tuesday. The subject possibilities are quite varied: education, psychology, spiritual enlightenment or teaching principles and techniques. Your communication skills are fine-tuned this Wednesday. You are the eternal patron of just about all who will let you look after them–the original mother hen. Communicating well is very important to you. Conversations and interactions go well this Thursday. You may find yourself more talkative and easy going than usual. Your tendency to compromise and settle for less than you dreamed can be a problem for you later in life. Public relations, public speaking or sales is an option this Friday. Even if you are not changing jobs, you may find yourself in one or more of these categories. The word here is accomplishment. If you have a list of personal things you want to do, this Saturday would be a good time to begin working through the list. This is also a good weekend to putter around the house.