Business Horoscope May 15 to May 21

From Sunday, May 15 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, May 21 2011 – 11:59pm
You may have decided to begin a home project this Sunday or help someone with his or her home project. Your energies continue throughout the day–you may, however, be encouraged to quit working sometime this afternoon. You are ambitious, self-confident, honorable and generous in money matters this Monday. Business and family matters can be easily handled this Tuesday. This would be an excellent time to weigh the possibilities of advancement or change in your career. If your attitude toward challenges is a positive this Wednesday, you will do well. The few challenges you encounter will have successful results. In the afternoon things are happening in the workplace and your personal career path will seem to become cleared of any challenges. You are able to influence others in subtle ways this Thursday. You are fun to work with whether you are at home or work because of your insight and ideas. This Friday is a great time to reflect and understand your own job situation. Your emotions as well as the emotions and feelings of others are very clear. Decisions that affect others could successfully be made. You draw strength and a sense of well-being from ideals, friends and a social involvement this Saturday.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Relaxing and enjoying this Sunday is in order. You could find yourself a bit pensive around others but work around the house or in the yard can actually help to refurbish your energies. A new family project creates a wonderful opportunity to build and deepen relationships. You could be on the right track with your detective work this Monday and the proof you need will come soon. Tuesday is the day you could plan for a new way of living or a new habit. Go about your day with a list in hand and have a purpose in mind so that you do not sway from your goal. This could encompass a new job identity, a new diet, an undertaking to stop smoking, etc., etc. You may be glad to be in the workplace this Wednesday. Repairs or refurbishing work of some sort can become rather noisy at home. Thursday is a very good day for job-related events. Work should go rather smoothly this Friday. You are appreciated for your ability to get things accomplished. If necessary, this day is favorable to purchase a new appliance, begin a new relationship, pull in a favor or obtain a loan. Social and group affairs could be fun this Saturday, but you will probably find yourself off to the company of nature and enjoying some form of creative arts.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
This Sunday could be a time to make changes in your environment. Real estate may be a consideration and if you are buying for an investment, you will do well in your choices. Unsolved problems or mysteries may catch your attention this Monday. You could be the sleuth in your place of work and discover the truth behind a mystery that has been puzzling many for some time. Difficulties, blocks and all manner of hot spots may be discovered this Tuesday. Have faith in yourself–you will know just what to do. It is possible that you could be spending too much time with friends. This Wednesday is a good day to work and communicate with the opposite sex. Care should be taken when undertaking anything new this Thursday–it is best to act in a practical manner. Do not force things. When making decisions during this time, make sure you have all the facts. You may feel like behaving differently and trying something new and unusual this Friday morning. This is a perfect time for new ideas and having a breakthrough in thinking. Love, spontaneous socializing and young people?s problems will keep you on the go and in the know this Saturday. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others just now.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
If you attend a spiritual gathering you will enjoy the emotional satisfaction that it brings, as well as the opportunity to communicate with others this Sunday. This afternoon will be an important time to catch up on reading and just soaking in some good vibes. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on more emotional significance this Monday. You are in a festive mood this evening and desirous of having a good time with friends and family. Your communication skills are at a high this Tuesday. You will enjoy a debate today and will not mind speaking your thoughts on a particular matter. When your expertise
is requested this Wednesday, you will know just what to do. You may be called on to make use of your natural abilities and common sense. You are able to sway others to your way of thinking this Thursday. Establishing a balance in your life just now is workable. Mental stimulation from others is the key for you this Friday. It is a good idea to make every effort to cooperate and compromise with others. There is a great deal of attention drawn to your ideas in the workplace. You may enjoy probing into your inner workings or some good solid gossip this Saturday. You do not mind working through some sensitive problems.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
You are very expressive and outgoing when it comes to your feelings and emotions this Sunday. Creativity of all kinds is available to you–music, drama, art, poetry. Your strong personal magnetism and effervescent personality may gain you attention from the opposite sex this Monday. Make sure this attraction is not in the workplace. By knowing ahead of time this Tuesday that this could be a stressful day in the workplace, you may be able to determine your limitations. Take plenty of breaks and get away from your work during the noon hour. This Wednesday is one of your better days this month. The balance is shifting and you are less likely to ignore business situations. You have a strong determined energy that can be focused to help you find the many answers you may be seeking. Channel your energies into your work this Thursday–there is plenty of energy available for ccomplishing whatever you set out to do. Authorities and red tape may stand between you and your goals this Friday. This is all temporary . . . easy does it. There is a love of communication and connections of all kinds are available this Saturday–letters, wires, telephones, voice, thoughts, writing and mental processes in general.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You will aid and soothe others in solving difficult situations this Sunday. Others will seek you out for advice. You could be in the limelight, especially with superiors or in relation to your work this Monday. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it entails more than usual. Your mind is quick and sharp and your way with words are just what you and others need this Tuesday. You have insight into your emotions and drive and you can talk about your ideas with great insight. You have a natural aptitude for describing the most sensitive areas of the human psyche, a practical psychologist of the
first order. You can manage and work with touchy issues this Wednesday that others will not attempt. Your money and career take precedence this Thursday. You can take orders, be a good teammate and work with others but you are basically an independent worker. There could be some struggle with authority this Friday. It is hard to have fun when you are ignoring responsibilities. Changes must be made now. Perhaps some yard or gardening work is in order this Saturday morning. There is a golden opportunity to make some changes around the house as well–perhaps some repairs.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
Your energy is high and your creative juices are flowing, ready to be applied to any work you want to undertake. Giving your best effort this Sunday, considerable success or progress will follow. Start looking this Monday for classes, books or lectures on how to organize your financial affairs because things are looking up and much of your success at this time will hinge on organizational skills. There is some powerful energy available for you this Tuesday; however, do not rush through projects. You could make mistakes that you would regret later. Use your power wisely and pace yourself. Intense, passionate and very personal this Wednesday, you rush past superficialities and right to the heart of most matters. You will see the results of your hard work soon. You love to communicate and will pursue a variety of conversations this Thursday. The mental world appeals to you and you are very discriminating, but appreciative, when it comes to concepts, ideas and thoughts, etc. Friday may be a bit stressful–be prepared; however, you will find the problems are superficial–don?t spend too much time commiserating with your co-workers. This Saturday is a good day and you should receive some good insights.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
There is a drive to probe and penetrate that may find you examining and working through some strong internal changes this Sunday. Don?t push too hard–you could find more difficulties. You have clear vision this Monday and can easily see the steps needed to make good decisions. You are happy when in control and you enjoy managing anything practical. Take a little trip, or get outside this Tuesday. You may want to change your routine a little and try something new or different at this time. If you give your best efforts at work this Wednesday, great strides can be taken. This is a great time to be with others in work
or play. You may be asked to do a special job today that entails the need for strong concentration. Things are happening in your career this Thursday that will become quite positive . . . a path will open up and present some good opportunities for you. This may mean a total change or a simple raise. Everything points to your taking the initiative this Friday. However, you could find yourself presented with highly emotional individuals. What you do not love is a parade of emotions–directness from others. A picnic or a trip to the zoo or an art show might be enjoyed this Saturday. You tend to be out front and personable.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
This Sunday marks a time when your personality and mode of living will be changeable. You are adaptable but should be careful in overextending your time. Everything may be pouring in at once this Monday and it?s all good news. Your career direction gets some encouragement and life?s problems find easy solutions. You could be inclined to misapply your energy in projects or people this Tuesday. There is a tendency to drain your energy, making you tired. You could fall under the heavy burden of responsibility and may have to work hard to distinguish yourself well. This Wednesday, you are able to handle difficult
people and may be called upon to help with crowd control. This is a time when philosophical ideas, religion and such really holds your interest. You are able to teach, the unity that binds. There is confidence this Thursday to succeed at any project you attempt. You could bring about a certain degree of carelessness in your business dealings this Friday. Take care to examine all aspects of your transactions in order to be successful. You may find a shift in your routine this Saturday. If this shift requires travel, tend to your vehicle first and you will have what you or a loved one needs to navigate traffic safely.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
You are particularly energetic this Sunday and involving yourself with some form of vigorous exercise early this morning will properly channel this energy. Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you this Monday may grate against your own sense of freedom. Success and security at the expense of originality may be too great a price to pay. Some middle road could be found. Tuesday is a time when your spirituality is aroused, making you more philosophical and compassionate about the less fortunate. This Wednesday is a great time to sit back and enjoy what you have. You may find yourself singing. To avoid emotional explosions this Thursday, look upon this day as an opportunity to view your ideas from different perspectives. Patience; others need time to think about what you say. You possess a natural sense of organization and practical insight and may find yourself managing or supervising others this Friday, perhaps in a business of your own. At least that opportunity will be opened to you. A career in one of the service or health occupations is where you might also find opportunities. This Saturday is all about relating to others and counting your blessings. You are in a good place.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
It could be difficult to get yourself motivated this Sunday morning. If you have really been as busy as the energies indicate, you should not feel guilty about making this a day of relaxation. Monday is a real time to concentrate on strengthening your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves
successful. Your business partners are trustworthy and the business deals you create together will be positive for some time to come. Balance your energies this Tuesday. You may not appreciate someone’s unrealistic approach to a situation this Wednesday. His or her general fogginess and impractical attitude may find you at odds with him or her. However, you have a sweetness about you and any discord is short-lived. A co-worker confides in you this Thursday morning. You seem to be able to calm others and pass on some of your philosophy to those who may have lost their way. You are invigorated this Friday–bringing feelings to the surface. Your relationship with others, particularly women, will be most harmonious. Your inner resources and emotions are accented this Saturday. People in positions of responsibility are quite impressed by your intelligence and your abilities.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
It is best to proceed with your plans for this Sunday and not involve yourself with too many extra-curricular activities, at least for the morning. Before the family melds into the couch today, you might talk with them about the benefit of an exercise program; with your enthusiasm, you may be able to encourage them. This Monday, it seems you are on an uphill swing financially. It would be wise to listen to all those around you before making a particularly difficult decision this Tuesday. Make a strong effort to organize your workplace this Wednesday, since this temporarily unorganized area can only add confusion and delay to your good works for now. Fortunately, this Thursday is not as challenging as other days this week. However, because you are mentally in high gear most of the time, a slack or slow down in work can result in negative thinking. Use extra time successfully by finding creative and positive things to do for others. There is an instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of yourself this Friday and you may decide a vacation should soon be planned. There are chances for making new friends–all kinds. You are motivated to work around the house this Saturday–getting things in order.