Business Horoscope May 29 to May 31

From Sunday, May 29 2011 – 12:00am
To Tuesday, May 31 2011 – 11:59pm
High energy this Sunday morning could find you burning yourself out towards the afternoon. Pace yourself today if at all possible. A light lunch and a brisk walk will have you feeling good and ready to return to completing the items on your list. Monday is a good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and a sustained effort make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and around town this afternoon. A very active day is forecasted for you. Your directional abilities are in high focus this Tuesday. Others may slow you down from time to time but your mind is on whatever project you have set up for yourself.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
This Sunday is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any scenario. If you need it, good advice from an older person is available. Part of this Monday may normally consist of hurry-up-and-wait sort of situations. This day seems more packed than usual. Someone wants to pamper you tonight. Communication skills are in demand this Tuesday as you may be requested to speak for the company or deal with the public. Your co-worker friends may become very close to you, almost like family. Don?t be afraid to speak up when you see a situation that could bring about better business.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
Reading the news or hearing some news report causes in-depth discussions to arise around the table this Sunday morning. Probing conversations find you at your mental best. Some may find you especially witty and eccentric this Monday. Others value you for your independence. You may have insights or breakthroughs with regard to your life circumstances. This Tuesday you should be wise with your time and your involvement with a subject of conversation in which you may not know as much as you think. There is a lot of energy available for positive progress. Radiate your most positive energies this afternoon.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
This Sunday is one of your challenging days. However, others will give you encouragement and are willing to lend a helping hand if things get stressful. Satisfying sighs ends this day. Monday is a time in which you will find a personal relationship is on solid ground. Expressing affections or appreciation should be simple. These good vibrations can do much for your disposition. Music can help to put you to sleep tonight. You may find that people are so busy this Tuesday you won?t be able to finish a sentence. This is a good time to back off and get a view of the day from a different perspective. Perhaps a break or an early lunch will provide an opportunity to gain a focus.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
This Sunday is one of the best days this week. Although you are predominantly interested in personal harmony and emotional security, there is more ambition in you than there has been of late. You may find yourself plotting a path to the most beneficial and profitable business plan. This Monday is a good time to think through some of your own methods in dealing with the young or inexperienced. Give yourself time to think about this and adjust some of the ways in which you criticize or correct others. There could be difficulties to work through this Tuesday. It is important during this time to effectively communicate your ideas to others, especially those who are ultra sensitive.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You are in a planning mood this Sunday and are very clearheaded and able to view any difficulties or perhaps you intend to find the easiest path for a group of young hikers. Go ahead and make the decisions that take you forward. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices regardless of the subject matter. You work with real imagination and understanding in areas of the mind that are the most personal or private–depth psychology. Whether you are in a job this Monday, on-call, or just around people that know you are a caring person, you will find many opportunities opening up to be of help to others. You will enjoy relaxing to music this Tuesday evening.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
You may feel like you are going to fall on your face trying to prove a point this Sunday morning. Back away for a while and make your ideas known again when you have the facts and statistics that others can see. You should experience a successful Monday with opportunities to give your input and bring attention to your skills. There could be surprises when it comes to money. You and everyone you know seem to be in a good mood this Tuesday and a sense of humor is not far behind. Some technical method or style of working may come to your attention that keeps you thinking about continued education. You can accomplish anything set before you now.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
Your mind is stimulated and there is great wit at hand this Sunday. Your inclination and ability to solve complex problems and puzzles amaze others. If you are able to channel this mental energy productively, you will accomplish much. This Monday is a time to get ahead by taking action. You are able to use good common sense in order to feel the trends and make the right moves. Use this time to help you and your company to expand and grow successfully. This Tuesday is a time for serious thinking. A practical mind takes on a special importance at this time. Taking care of the necessary underpinnings of life–health, work and such–becomes a greater preoccupation.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
There could be some hesitancy with regard to decision making this Sunday. Challenges at this time will require your patience. You might have fun with a friend this evening in the telling of stories. Your intense analytical approach to life may cut through to the heart of things and afford you some intelligent and useful information this Monday. You have real vision with moments of insight and clear-seeing that allows you to work to the best of your abilities. There is new energy available for professional endeavors this Tuesday. This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way. You may be teaching young people this evening.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
You are usually full of enthusiasm and creative energy. This Sunday, there is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. A sense of harmony makes this a happy time. This Monday there is much contemplative thinking about the way you fill your days. Questions of attitude, approaches to problem solving and the methods for handling problems are in high focus. Things may seem magical in the way they work out on Tuesday. This is a great time to organize and get things accomplished. Upcoming events need planning so that the cost is kept down. Look backwards over your day–review.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
While others could get on your nerves this Sunday, patience and a willingness to accomplish your chores will get you through the morning unscathed. Enjoy joint participation in a game or fun activity this evening. This Monday may be the time you are thinking of changing jobs, asking for a raise or wanting to make a move. There is no better time than the present to get things rolling–start first by discussing it with your loved one. Work together and create a plan. The situation in the workplace this Tuesday is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. You may be feeling reflective this afternoon and you enjoy being with family members.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
You have an increased desire this Sunday to succeed in everything you set out to achieve. There is optimism, faith and an urge to take all sorts of chances. You may feel like talking with your co-workers a bit more than usual this Monday. You always seem to maintain a good, positive mental attitude. This is a time to help find or teach positive ways to help others in learning to rise above the stresses in becoming more creative about problem-solving. This Tuesday you work effectively behind the scenes where distractions are minimal. Concentrate on ways in which to bring about a balance between your responsibilities and your opportunities for relaxation.