Business Horoscope November 27 to November 30

Weekly Capricorn Horoscope:
From Sunday, November 27 2011 – 12:00am
To Wednesday, November 30 2011 – 11:59pm
You are feeling, on top of the world and can do no wrong this Sunday. Use these energies to accomplish tasks that you would not normally do at this time. A positive attitude benefits you greatly. An outgoing and very expressive cycle of experience has begun for you this Monday. Now more than ever, you want to be admired and appreciated by others, to do and create things that stir their hearts. You value independence, as well as anything unusual or different. You are expressive and creative and find ways to solve problems and accomplish projects at work this Tuesday, very quickly. Gathering and exchanging information this Wednesday becomes a more important part of your life . . . a very educational experience. Influential friends or family members have a big impact on your goals and make a big impression. You enjoy playing the role of facilitator.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
This Sunday it is up to you to stay on top of the latest developments so you may find that you spend much time in reading and communicating with friends. This evening you may find yourself shopping for food or decorations that will enhance a special meal. This Monday is a time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions and basic life urges undergo change and transformation. Your life finally seems to have harmony and balance. At work this Tuesday, you may want to take charge of the most important issues first. You may have plans to leave work a little early today so you will busy yourself quickly and with purpose. You will find plenty of opportunities this Wednesday to teach others, take lessons or talk about your collection, art or hobby. New people come into your life now–they are positive and they encourage you.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
You may feel restricted in some of your activities this Sunday. It may be hard to organize or persevere. Do not force things. Be patient and let the chaos dissolve. Close personal ties to other people are a focal point for your feelings–marriage and other partnerships could be a key arena for your activities this Monday. Lovely words and a flair for description–the artistic in all its many forms is where you excel above any other this Tuesday. You have an inner sense of warmth and goodness with the ability to express this. Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily this Wednesday. Problems and obstacles that have previously been a problem, now find easy solutions. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to communicate.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek this Sunday. You make preparations for the workweek ahead and consider some of your job options. A friend may confide in you this Monday and you may find yourself tossing the information around in your head most of the day. Think about this–perhaps this person confided in you because they needed help. Follow your heart. You communicate with consummate skill and it is stimulating just being with you this Tuesday. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing and all types of communication skills. You exhibit the ability to focus and make all sorts of ideas a practical matter–bringing them into possibilities. Someone’s ideas may need adjusting this Wednesday and you seem to be able to step in and create a smooth adjustment.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
If you are searching for a lost object, this Sunday you will find that object. You may be asked to help make some tough decisions concerning a senior member of your family. You are able to bring about an understanding as well as helpful ideas. There is time this Monday morning to complete unfinished business, organize your desk and place a few plants around your work space. Make room for an extra sweater and some rain gear . . . just in case. Remember, others have to work and achieve at their own level. You will lead others this Tuesday in some group activity. You are a natural group leader or trainer–your vitality and drive is communicated to everyone you see, especially the young people in your life. You could discover a difficult co-worker that opens up to you this Wednesday. Help this person break down a difficult task into manageable segments.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You may find yourself working on a budget for your place of business as well as a personal budget this Sunday. Planning for some sort of travel or a special gift may take just that–budgeting. This Monday is a good time for clear deliberation and problem solving. This is a vital day in which much energy and action is utilized. You could find yourself able to really communicate and get your ideas across to others. You are always out front and manage to spend a lot of time in the spotlight and this Tuesday is no exception. Others find it easy to watch and learn from you. You are very animated and may find communicating your ideas is a particularly easy thing to do today. This Wednesday you look into a more natural way to care for your garden or to get rid of the bugs in your home. Unconventional approaches to philosophy, religion, law and politics come to play this evening.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
Emotional seriousness and a sober awareness of time are keynotes to your Sunday. Some unfinished projects or some desired ability that you have been wanting to experience has lingered long enough. Now is a good time to show off your soft side to a family member. You may find your attention drawn to subjects like law, politics, education, travel or religion this Monday. These are certainly some of the areas in which an emotionally charged drama will be played. Perhaps this is a better time to think and study–you have a real appreciation for ideas. Strong beliefs are keynotes to your power this Tuesday–the power of ideas and the power they wield over people. You enjoy looking for new ways of self-discovery. You may find yourself serving or guiding a friend in important matters this Wednesday. Someone else cooks dinner tonight.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
You gain understanding and a sense of support from those around you this Sunday. In return, you offer support and understanding. Instant gratification is one of the temptations to which you may be subject to now. Hectic emotional energy, especially this Monday morning, slows you from that long desired camping trip or out-of-town visit with friends. Patience wins out and you will be on your way soon. Fun and adventure are on the schedule today. Your sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves successful this Tuesday. Your general outlook on life is attractive–people seek you out to help them. You are a natural counselor and may find yourself involved in deep discussions concerning the lifestyles of others. You spend a lot of time playing catch-up this Wednesday morning. Get ready to do your best on a tough assignment this next month. Get your shopping out of the way soon!
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
Obligations come to your attention this Sunday. This afternoon you may find yourself hurrying to some neighborhood meeting. Being on the go and keeping a finger to the winds of change make you feel in touch. Learning and communicating satisfies your need to know. A yearning for adventure stirs in you this Monday. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before are deep and powerful longings. Your energies are up this Tuesday and there are lots of new projects that are up for grabs in your place of business. Outer circumstances make it easy for you to make clear decisions, as usual. Things seem to fall in place and progress is easy. With you in charge this Wednesday, successful endings are ahead. This is an easy, calm day that should find everything running in a smooth manner. You could be discovered in a comedy club this evening.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
You are at your mental best this Sunday. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of whatever needs your attention. Expect a sense of support and good will. Your unique and unusual qualities make you the center of conversation this Monday; everything is positive. You may find that others are supportive of your ideas. You could come up with new solutions. This Tuesday is a great time to get things accomplished. Emotional beginnings, a fresh start, perhaps the establishment of new habit patterns are also in the making today. This afternoon is a good time to broaden your horizons both intellectually and spiritually. Don’t over-pressure yourself this Wednesday. Allow the pieces of your life to fall into place in an orderly fashion. A little time for relaxation and daydreaming is very important this afternoon. The success of a partner is testimony that you too can succeed.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
You may be called upon to smooth over the frustrations of a disgruntled loved one this Sunday morning. Patient sacrifice of your time is called for and teaches much. You are at your mental best this Monday with clear thoughts. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of mental work. You may decide it is quiet enough this morning to balance the checkbook, work out a budget or just generally catch up on some reading. Others may find you a little stressed this Tuesday but never disrespectful. Perhaps the pressure of completing your part of a job process is most important at this time. You may have insights or breakthroughs with regard to your working situation or life circumstances. Some mystery in the workplace will become easier to understand this Wednesday; however, you could be missing a big chunk of the puzzle. It is important to discover the other-side-of-the-story.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing this Sunday, but priorities or weather may demand that you tend to business close to home just now. You may find yourself teaching a cooking lesson to a young person this evening. Family and security are things that rattle your chain more than ever this Monday. These are areas where you make new beginnings and bold moves–things you are willing to fight for . . . things in which it pays to be careful. Tuesday may be a slow day. You are happiest when lots of activity is around you. While the energies will pick back up soon, it is not the end of the world. You should take advantage of the slow-moving day by planning your next professional deal. Others could find you a difficult person to deal with this Wednesday. However, this is a good time to quietly stand your ground. Your own growth and success may be linked to security.