Business Horoscope September 25 to September 30

From Sunday, September 25 2011 – 12:00am
To Friday, September 30 2011 – 11:59pm
You may feel like talking a bit more than usual this Sunday, exploring new ideas or getting happily lost in a conversation. A short trip or a special phone call is in order this afternoon. You can really communicate and express yourself to others this Monday. You have a lot of energy and come across as assertive and dominant. You somehow manage to gravitate to the center of almost any happening this Tuesday. Others accept you, for they sense you are a leader and they admire your almost regal manner. Harmony surrounds you this evening. It is important to concentrate on work-related problems this Wednesday. Exercise gurus have always suggested a discipline in thinking, because thoughts are things like anything else. They manifest themselves in what you are. In other words, energy follows thought. Your job may be one where the direction is already planned. Perhaps there are schedules and steps by which you are guided this Thursday. You can outshine anyone as you support those in control. Your outward seriousness and no-nonsense approach to things is obvious to all this Friday. This deliberate sense of responsibility comes across and is central to your personality and the way you relate to other people.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
You are a born leader; others find it easy to take instructions from you this Sunday and tend to follow your example. You enjoy helping others solve their personal or technical problems. You find ways to broaden your horizons this Monday–both intellectually and spiritually. Education, publishing, broadcasting, legal and political interests and advertising offer wonderful opportunities at this time. You are a great doer, and can accomplish quite a lot this Tuesday, when you will find yourself working with the public. Those around you, or the situation you find yourself in, may not feel right to you this Wednesday. Saying the right words could be of the utmost importance. You could, however, be challenged. You may find yourself confronting an authority figure this Thursday. This could be a good thing if you are friends as well because a clear understanding may be what is needed to push for positive results concerning a whole group. Ambition and the desire for status can get a little out of touch with reality this Friday. Inflated expectations could be a problem unless you get a grip on yourself. Family and real estate matter the most at this time. Your portfolio of bank loans and investments looks pretty promising just now.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
You may feel like being different, trying something unusual this Sunday. There are new ideas forming today. There is a yearning to broaden your options for professional advancement now. You could find yourself working overtime this Monday–you have a lot of energy to pour into a work project. You may appear commanding and assertive–whatever the mood–this is the time to push ahead. Your keyword today is responsibility. This Tuesday you are able to find yourself in others–a mirror or clear pool. You are a genius at bringing out others and getting them to do things for themselves or for you–you are a born strategist. You are called on to make use of your natural problem-solving skills during group meetings this Wednesday. You are very career-oriented and your personal reputation and honor is of the utmost importance. In-depth discussions and probing conversations will find you at your mental best this Thursday. Your analytical abilities are praiseworthy. Your perception is heightened as you become involved in some problem solving. Being on the go this Friday and keeping a finger to the winds of change make you feel in touch. Learning and communicating may find you in the local library later today.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
A majority of your planets this Sunday suggest that right here and now is where you like to be and operate. You tend neither to spend much time in procrastinating about the future nor reminiscing about the past. Co-workers may want to know more than you are willing to contribute this Monday. You may have a tendency to avoid sensitive subjects and take refuge in duties and responsibilities rather than face issues that are shallow. This is a good time to launch a public-relations campaign to advance your career–you can be a good politician. Working in groups this Tuesday affords the opportunity to strengthen a unit. You may be required to lead or lend advice. Getting away from the workplace for a while this Wednesday will help you have renewed energy when you return. You may find yourself handling a personnel problem at work this Thursday. It is up to you to smooth the ruffled feathers and you are able to smooth problems out very well. Frustration, especially in getting things accomplished this Friday, sets the day’s mood. Exercise some control over your emotions and be ready to let go of some long-standing view. Think about what is relevant and important in the larger scheme of life.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just cannot help but take care of business. This is where most of your energies and concerns will be for this Sunday. Write out your ideas; you will see good results from your efforts. Romance is possible this evening. Have fun as you work and as you play this Monday–you will encourage others in this game of life. This afternoon a shopping expedition shows off your excellent taste. You could be an expert in all matters of art and discrimination. Some past investment needs review and perhaps revising this Tuesday. You may find that now is a good time to reinvest this old investment in some other direction–there is the possibility of additional gains. You may see value in or feel love for an older person or someone in authority this Wednesday. Ask questions and take notes; this elder has seen many interesting things. This Thursday you should particularly make an effort to take your breaks–stay away from greasy, heavy meals, drink plenty of water and exercise this afternoon. The afternoon and evening will be most successful. There are conversations in the elevator and the break room about advancements this Friday. An increase in salary is likely.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
This Sunday is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular thinking. Your very own opinions and professional insight are beneficial to the best outcome now. Outer circumstances are favorable this Monday and it should be easy for you to push toward new projects in all aspects of your life. Life may seem almost magical in the way situations work out in your favor. There is time to begin a plan to become better organized. The schedule you set for yourself this Tuesday can be helpful but taxing. If you can work in some focused exercise program later, you will find it easier to relax this evening. Wednesday could be a stressful day but you have the opportunity to rise above the stress. Take a moment to surrender your agenda and become centered or focused. Everything points to your taking the initiative this Thursday. You could feel great support from those around you, or circumstances could dictate your taking action. You feel healthy and natural. This is a time of good fortune. New job, new project or just simply solving old problems this Friday puts you in a great mood. That feeling of well-being also comes from good health as well as a job well done.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
All people need a day away from the intense, professional planning; this Sunday you could grab your golf equipment, tennis racket or skates and a friend or family member and make the afternoon a day of rest, recreation and refurbishment. A social engagement will find you in great form this evening. Make bedtime a reasonable time. This Monday is the time to settle on one method and stick to it. Many methods work–however, the secret to your success is consistency. Others value you for your ability to make practical decisions–now it is time to have faith in the decisions you make. Taking care of business is a major theme this Tuesday. You desire successful organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. Things are happening and your career or path depends upon your own aspirations which are strong now. There may be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics and all that is electrical this Wednesday. A commitment you make this Thursday may bring opportunities for career advancement soon. You are ready to take an intimate relationship to the next level. You can be assertive successfully this Friday as you move forward with your career decisions.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
If you are not working this Sunday, your excellent organizational skills will be used in your ability to round up a group and play sports or create some social gathering. A deliberate sense of responsibility comes across this Monday. This sense of responsibility is central to your personality and the way you relate to other people. There is a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. There is a certain amount of transition taking place this Tuesday. This could mean job advancement soon. You may find yourself uninterested in sidetracks–what is not essential for future advancement. Luxury is desired this Wednesday. Growth and success could be tied to your possessions or to the way you possess and respond to the various ideas and impulses in your life. You could benefit through material support. This Thursday could be the time to setup an appointment, apply for a job or otherwise make yourself known. Contact with important individuals and making personal appeals is advised. When the public or the boss comes to you with ideas or with questions of building, fitting, matching or size this Friday . . . you can very quickly please the most difficult request. You feel successful and able to handle difficult situations.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
You are able to reflect on the present and plan some future event this Sunday. Perhaps a wedding is at hand. There are opportunities to converse and commiserate with friends. Take a deep cleansing breath–this Monday is going to be a day where you need to put extra effort into thinking things through to the long-term. You become more focused than ever! Tuesday is a productive day. You have insight into your professional life and you are developing future plans that will be valuable. Your path is toward cooperation and union with others. You can expect a little encouragement this Wednesday, some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you is a possibility. Stay on track and remember, what you see is not always what is real. Travel and other contacts with faraway people and places will play a bigger role for you this Thursday. Such things bring love and gain in one way or another. Higher education or philosophical or religious contacts could have a part in making good things happen. No matter where you are, today the matter of comfort in a business meeting or a new co-worker’s quick orientation is very important this Friday. New inventions are topics of conversation tonight with family members.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
Talking with a neighbor this Sunday and planning the next social function is a fun thing over the morning coffee or tea. Walking around the house and taking notes about what might need changing or updating before the winter sets in is a good thing to do. Deep and penetrating analysis, particularly with a group or in relation to your situation, may be in order this Monday. Others could seek you out for your understanding. You could be teaching a class in personal development today. Researching a product is important this Tuesday–you could get into something that is not as useful as you thought. A natural transformation of your values–the way you appreciate and love yourself and others, is taking place now. Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued this Wednesday. You may enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different for a change. People enter and exit your area of work this Thursday, you process paperwork, look up files and check on benefits and even answer phones–the day is a busy but successful one. Circumstances this Friday can throw you into positions where you must use your mind and deal with communications of all sorts. This may be through
education or psychology.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
Looking for a part-time job this Sunday, you might check out tutoring young people, especially along the area of writing or speech. You enjoy working with people and would make a good counselor, teacher or mentor. The main focus this Monday is on the manner in which you handle responsibilities in the workplace. You are also likely to fall into a greater position of authority. You make progress in your profession–an increase in stability. You are coming into a time this Tuesday that is centered on taking what you know and what you have and then making the most of it. Assimilating information and experience and learning lessons and putting what you learn into practice is the focus as this period unfolds. A friend, who may also be a co-worker, comes up with ideas this Wednesday that will help both of you get ahead in the work field. Your fear of taking risks can be set aside when there is someone with whom you can share the risk taking. Be patient with yourself as well as others this Thursday and you will gain the positive response you need at this time. Your struggle to succeed is aided when you show self-control. Joint planning sessions go well this Friday afternoon–differences of opinion can be worked through quickly.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
The power of organization on a social scale seems to take on a larger than life aura as you enter into a new cycle this Sunday. It’s as if ambition and authority are answers in themselves, rather than only a means to an ideal objective. You could be the main attraction this Monday, especially in relation to your work. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it entails. There is time this Tuesday morning to complete unfinished business. In the morning you will also accidentally find an item that has been missing for some time. A bit of restlessness in the wee hours this Wednesday morning may find you wishing you had better rest. Instead of allowing your mind to control you–learn ways to control your mind. Your birth sign shows you have an active mind. Keeping your mind busy will help you focus. Working in groups or as a team player proves most profitable this Thursday. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. It is your turn for positive rewards this Friday. You might say the research is over and now it is showtime. Your skills are showing and you do not have to prove any points as your work speaks for you. It is time to call your own decisions and this includes choice of job, time, place, etc.