How to Install a Gazebo with a Path

A path adds to the Gazebo and it is lovely to walk over a proper path to reach the Gazebo. Installing a Gazebo path is not as difficult as it might seem. There are a few easy steps which can guide you to install a Gazebo with a path.
First you need to build a flagstone path. Decide which direction you want to choose for the path and then dig the area allocated. Flagstones are made of limestone, sandstone or slate. Once you have trench for the path use a saw to cut the metal edges giving it a proper shape. Join the metal edges by hammering it until it is in a perfect shape. Once the metal edging is installed spread the dirt over the path and make it even. The path needs to be even before setting the stones. While setting the stones make sure that you set them in a way that will be easier to walk on. Allocate the stones in a way that when people walk over it they do not need to step on the dirt.
Secondly you need to give an appealing look to the path. Cover the sides of the stones with landscape paper to give it an appealing look. Cover the dirt with the fabric paper and then spread little stones it giving it a more even look. If you want to add color to the path then you can use a different color of the landscape fabric. You can also sow plants so that when they grow they make the path look green and lovely.
Then use wooden panels for the deck. You can also reuse the wooden panels instead of discarding them. The panels can be hammered together forming boxes. Once the blocks are fixed then put composite deck boards on top. Each deck board will require drilling screws. Once the deck board is completed along with the path you can decorate the gazebo with plants, chairs, curtains and a table.