Christ The Redeemer (Statue) – Wonder of the World

If we talk about the dimension of Christ the Redeemer statue, then you will be wonder to listen that it is 130 feet tall, with a 31 foot pedestal & 98 feet wise. The weight of Christ the Redeemer statue is in tons, 625 in longs tons & 700 in short tons; totally its weight is 635 tonnes.
After a long time of years of discussions’ 1859 to 1927, finally Christ the Redeemer statue started too built in 1927. After a tough competition of models, the project by Heitor da Silve Costa was chosen and then the national campaign was organized for its making. The stone which was chosen to build, it is soapstone. Soapstone was easy to work with and easy to form than other materials. The construction of Christ the Redeemer statue was started in 1922 and lasted in 1931.
This wonder of the world is sign of Welcome in one way, when people enter the city of Rio. The cost estimation of the statue when it was build in 1931, was $250,000 but if this would be construct in current era it might go to the cost 3.1 million dollars. And it is a roughly estimation it might take more.
The unmemorable moments are, when people stand at the base of Christ the Redeemer statue and see the breathtaking view of Rio de Janeiro and also the others like Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Flamengo, Botancial Gardens and Botofogo. To see the statue and surrounding landscape’s view, only 20mins of train ride to get up to the base of Christ the Redeemer statue.
Brazilian people are really fond of Christ the Redeemer statue, as they love their, this asset. And not only Brazilian people, tourist from all over the world go Rio de Janeiro to visit this incredible statue. People enjoy there a lot. Many of photographers have taken breathtaking photos of this one of the most known wonder of the world.
President Obama with family went Brazil to visit Christ the Redeemer statue, they went to see it in night time. And it is said that best time to see these amazing scenes are early morning and just before darkness. If you have chance or you can afford then must visit the Christ the Redeemer statue one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Also Read here wonder of the World – Great Wall of China.