Dating in office

Dating in offices is not the best idea however, attachment to and falling for someone you admire is inevitable and hence the pros and cons of dating a coworker must be kept in mind before you decide to venture out on a solo journey through alien territory.
Apart from the rumors and the decreased comfort levels once something goes wrong, dating in offices tends to make you feel relieved. It provides you with constant moral support and assures you of the fact that there is that one person on the work force who is an indefinite confidant.
Dating in offices isn’t as simple as the idea of every other relationship. In the past decade or so, the human resources departments of a vast majority of enterprises have shed great attention to the concept of dating in offices and many companies have a very strict policy towards this. Dating a co worker in this case requires either one of the two to resign from their respective position. This conflict of interest could ignite a great level of resentment amongst many couples.
Having a relationship with a co worker will divert your attention. Naturally, you’ll be unable to give your job a hundred percent of your effort and a decrease in numbers could get you in serious trouble with your boss.
Dating in offices requires serious considerations. It demands an individual to restrict expression for feelings along with going the extra mile to get appreciation which was previously so easily attainable owing just to the one fact, that everyone has their eyes on you.