Tips to Bring your Children Closer than Before

Express your Love Occasionally
Say you child in every age that that you love him. Even at the time when both of you are in a disagreement at any matter it is more important to tell that you love him a lot. A simple sentence “I love you” leave a deep and long run impact toward developing and then strengthening a relationship between parents and children.
Maintain a Special Bedtime Habit
Reading a favorite book or telling a story particularly in younger children is a habit that will remain in the memory through out the lifer to strengthen the relation. When child learn to read have them read a page, or short story to you. Even most teenagers still enjoy the habits of being told goodnight and prayers in a special way by a parent.
Allow your Children to Help You
Stopping children to help you while performing different tasks will become the cause to keep them away from building a close relationship. Unloading groceries after monthly shopping is a good example of something that children of most ages should assist with. While selecting the dress for some party child opinion will teach him about the value of his opinion near you.
Play With Your Children
Playing different games with your children will help to maintain a close relationship between parents and children. Play with dolls, sing songs, balls or whatever to make fun and interesting. Game is not the matter, just enjoy each other and let them see your silly side to understand you better. Cards, chess, computer games, get interest of older children while younger ones will have fun playing about anything
Eat Meals Together
You must have heard before that having meal together with the family is really very important because it sets the stage for conversation and sharing. Don’t watch the TV during meal and avoid rushing towards the meal. When schedules permit, really talk and enjoy one another. It can become a precious time most remembered by young and old alike and become a major cause of close relationship between parents and children.
Accept their Choices
No need to like their mismatched shirt or love how a child has placed pictures in his room but accept them and teach them to do in a better manner. Children want independence at young age, and parents should help to enhance their decision making skills. Continuously rejection and disagreement with their choices will leave a negative impact and child will feel himself unimportant near you.
Remember Birthdays
Birthdays are the perfect time to realize your children that how much they mean to you. Remember and celebrate their birthday does mean to spend a lot on this occasion. A tiny gift and cake can make them realize their importance near you.