Give the right sort of vibe with your Body Language!

Talking too much? Having trouble getting your words together? Maybe you can’t? Do your words not always comprehend what your mind has put together? Do you have people judge you in context to your posture and the way you walk and talk? Do you have people coming up to you and talk about getting wrong and mixed signals from you?
If yes then you definitely need some grooming with your body language. Body language is the physical manifestation of your thoughts and words in accord with your body. It’s the expression of your ideas and may give signals to your conversation companion as to what you’re tying to imply.
Make sure you look involved in the conversation. Look assertive yet not too excited. Keep the conversation at a pace that you can keep track of with your gestures. You don’t necessarily have to shove your hand in your friends face to be invading their space.
Don’t be too jumpy, Restrain yourself and evaluate whether the surrounding allows you to express yourself freely and boldly. Create a comfort zone in which you can set aside the extent of casual behavior that you might choose to include in your conversation.
Always be firm when introducing yourself and shaking hands. A hand shake according to an old Chinese proverb is the briefest introduction to a person. A firm one is adequate enough to keep your companions from never letting their guard down.
When it comes to body language, make sure that the essence of interaction is always kept in your mind and that essence is having a comfort zone. It is imperative that you maintain and carry along this zone so that your body language never runs out of hand.