Is Steve Retchless your fashion icon?

One of the first formal introduction of Steve that we had on stage was in his tight silver knickers and a pair of black patent leather shiny dancing boots with silver glitter clad all over his hairless articulate chest.
Steve Retchless has to undertake the gruesome task of accepting his female element and combining it on stage with his act and personality which gives Steve a particular sense of style which ultimately gives him his identity.
His neatly combed short blonde hair serves as a symbol of his professionalism and gives the perfect top to Steve’s pretty baby face.
Usually seen in neat apparel not very trendy or bold but something very European that Steve had decided to adapt to as his style of fashion.
A sleek yet clearly visible chain is usually sported around his neck while you might expect yourself to run into Steve wearing a v-neck t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans for pants with his ever so often adorned pair of canvas shoes which is in fact a cherry on the icing.
Steve’s performance clothes need to allow him space for movement for stunts that not even most women can pull off due to their maneuverability and lack of anatomical constraints along with making sure he seeks your attention with what he’s wearing.
Most of Steve’s performance get ups are indeed a canny conglomerate of bold fashion statements with a gentle feminine touch which however repulsive it may initially seem is always compensated by a flawless heart melting performance that Steve might have in store for you.
Although Steve must go on determined in this constant battle to make his peers and his audiences accustomed to his fashion style which may be regarded as bi sexual, there is little doubting the face that is hidden behind the makeup when Steve stands on stage, looking into your eyes.
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