Top 10 Action Movies of 2010

2010 has been a great year for entertainment industry. Many hit action movies were presented to audience in 2010 and they were well liked. Excluding some action movies which could not do better on screen, majority of the action movies were a smash. This list of top 10 action movies has nothing to do with how much money the action movie made however they are listed here because of their uniqueness and great story.
Iron man 2
This action movie does not need any introduction. Like first movie iron man, iron man 2 was also a hit action movie of year 2010. Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johanasson and Mickey Rourke were featured in this action movie. This action movie was directed by Jon Favreau. Rumors are there that iron man 3 will come soon in market.
Kick Ass
This action movie is about a kid who loved the comic books action heroes and his love for comic books hero made him a real life super hero. This was a low budget comedy action movie which was liked by its audience very much. Nicolas Cage, Aaron Johnson, Mark Strong and Chloe Moretz were featured in this action movie. Matthew Vaughn is the director of this action movie.
Very complicated yet a blockbuster movie inception was about his hero, non-other than Leonardo DiCaprio, who was lost in his dreams. Nobody knows what the end of the movie meant. Was Leonardo out of his dreams or not. Everybody is still thinking this. Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt were featured in this action movie. This masterpiece was directed by Christopher Nolan.
First a short fake trailer was made and then this action movie was made. This is the best part of this action movie. It is about a person who was seeking payback for the killing of his daughter and spouse. Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriquez and Jessica Alba were featured in this action movie and it was directed by Robert Rodriquez.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1
This action movie is based on bestselling series written by J.K. Rowlings. Like the book, movie was also a great hit. This series is about a magic school. It is a sad fact that harry potter series is finally coming to an end. However it was really amazing watching its cast growing up in front of our own eyes. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were featured in this action movie.
Red is great action movie, in which Hollywood’s great actors are featured. This action movie is about retired actors which are now running for their own life. Red stands for “retired extremely dangerous”. Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich were featured in this action movie.
The Losers
This action movie is about a powerful team who is seeking revenge for the betrayal and they have to stop cruel plan. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, and Chris Evans were featured in this action movie.
The A-team
This action movie is about a group of Vietnam veterans who were charged for a crime which they didn’t commit. Now they have to clear their name but it is not easy. Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley, and Rampage Jackson are featured in this action movie.
Tron: Legacy
A great action movie in which master mind of programming was lost in its own program then his son finds him and tries to save him. Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde were featured in this action movie.
An action movie with lots and lots of action and a great set of artists were featured in this movie. It didn’t do much on the screens but its actions were well appreciated. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, and Randy Couture were featured in this action movie and it was directed by its actor Sylvester Stallone.