Top 10 Games Announced or Published in 2011

Top 10 Game (s) Announced or Published in 2011
2011 is the most exciting year in the history of gaming because this year Some of the most popular Game Developer Companies like UBI soft Electronic Arts announced and published most exciting games. some games are new and the most of the games are installment to their franchise. Here is the list of Top 10 Games announced or published in year 2011.
Top 10 Game (s)
10. Max Payne 3
Who can forget Max Payne one of the most popular classic games will have an new installment in Max Payne Franchise. This will be third installment in Max Payne 3 series. Game will be releasing for PC , PS3 and Xbox 360.
09. Tekken Series (TAG 2 & Hybrid)
Tekken one of the most popular among one on one fighting games. After the success of Tekken Tag Tournament, Namco decides to make Tekken Tag tournament 2, Tekken Hybrid and also the remake of the orignal Tekken Tag Tournament in HD. Releasing in September 2011.
08. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Number 3 on IGN’s most violent graphic games Deus Ex Human Revolution challenges the foundations of gaming and provides an immersive experience where every choice has a lasting consequence. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third game in the Deus Ex series, set 25 years before the events of the first Deus Ex game. Taking place in the year 2027, the game features the ability to add biomechanical augmentations to your character, and is set in a world laced with conspiracy theories and powerful corporations. You can also Download this game here.
07. Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3 is an upcoming third-person shooter video game developed by Epic Games and published by Microsoft Studios exclusively for the Xbox 360. Originally due for release in April 2011, the game was delayed.
06. DOA 5
Dead or Alive 5 is an upcoming fighting game in the Dead or Alive franchise, set for release in 2012 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the first game in the series to see a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 and the only one to be released simultaneously on both. It made its debut at the Tokyo Game Show on September 14, 2011.
05. Far cry 3
Far Cry 3 is the upcoming sequel to the 2008 video game Far Cry 2.The sequel is currently in the pre-alpha stages of development. Far Cry 3 takes place on a tropical island found somewhere at the intersection of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. However, Patrick Redding, a Ubisoft story designer, mentioned that an Antarctic setting is a possibility for future games. The main goal of the game is to escape from the islands (as there will be more than one, mentioned by Dan Hay) and its crazed inhabitants.
04. Final Fantasy XIII 2
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is an upcoming console role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is being produced by Square Enix’s 1st Production Department.It is a direct sequel to the 2009 role playing game Final Fantasy XIII.
03. Call of Duty 3
Call of duty Modern Warfare 3 know as (COD MW3) one of the most exciting and mind blowing game of the year 2011. Like its predecessors, this will be FPS (First person Shooter). It will be third installment to MW series.
02. Battlefield 3
Talking about one of the Top games of year 2009 new installment to Battlefield first-person shooter action video game is coming this year Battlefield 3, being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and to be published by Electronic Arts.
01. DmC Devil May Cry 5
DmC Devil May Cry is an upcoming action game developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom. It will be the first title in the series not to be developed internally at Capcom. Instead, development will be handled by the English studio Ninja Theory, while the Japanese and American branches of Capcom will supervise the production creatively and logistically.