Russell Armstrong Did Suicide Because…

The actor of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Russell Armstrong killed himself on August 15, 2011 by hanging. After autopsy the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office reveals, “Russell Armstrong died by hanging and the final manner of death is suicide”. However, the question is why he took his own life! The answer to the question is as:
Russell Armstrong had money problems. He was facing a $1.5 million lawsuit and he had no assets to his name. The other is that he was exposed as a bisexual. According to a source, “There were people on the record that were going to talk about the kind of sex he liked. He was into S&M type stuff; choking, rough-housing and slapping.”
Before a month of Russell Armstrong’s suicide, his wife Taylor Armstrong filed for divorce due to some differences and was shocked and devastated when he killed himself.